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Feel Good Vita Fruits & Veggies, 120 Capsules Sale


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  • Multivitamin Blend with 25 Fruits & Vegetables
  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Non-GMO, Gluten Free
  • 1 per Day Dose
  • Dietary Features: Organic
  • Form: Capsule
  • ORGANIC FRUITS AND VEGGIES IN A CAPSULE: These dietary supplements are a great way to add fruits and vegetables to your diet and are an excellent source of nutrients; Provides 100% daily value of vitamins A, C, D, E, B1, B6, B12, Zinc and Niacin. An ideal balance of fruit and veggies straight from nature
  • HEALTH BENEFITS: Organic fruit and veggie supplements may help increase energy levels, naturally detox the body, and support a healthy immune system; these superfood capsules also promote healthy eye function, and may help to reduce free radical damage
  • 25 SUPERFOOD INGREDIENTS: These easy to take multivitamins are made from 25 organic fruit and vegetable ingredients, which are combined into one highly concentrated capsule to provide a diverse source of nutrients. Vitamin pills are vegetarian, non-GMO and gluten free
  • COMMITTED TO YOUR SATISFACTION: We take great care in sourcing the highest quality ingredients directly from small organic farms to offer you potent and pure premium Vita Fruit and Veggies Capsules manufactured in the USA. Never any added sugars, artificial ingredients, or fillers. Love it or your money back guaranteed
  • CONCENTRATED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: Organic beet, organic spinach, organic tomato, organic carrot, organic broccoli, organic kale, organic cabbage, organic parsley, organic brussels sprouts, organic bell pepper, organic cucumber, organic celery, organic garlic, organic ginger, organic onion, organic cauliflower, organic asparagus, organic pea, organic apple, organic strawberry, organic tart cherry, organic blackberry, organic blueberry, organic raspberry, organic banana

      <title><br /> <!-- more --></p> <p><strong>Product Details<strong></p> <p><p><img decoding="async" alt="FeelGood" src="https:"></p> <p><p><strong>Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? Studies show that 91% of Americans should be consuming more.<strong></p> <p><p>FeelGood Superfoods<sup>®<sup> <strong>Vita Fruits + Veggies<strong> is a once-daily antioxidant-rich fruit and veggie blend that is enhanced with carefully chosen vitamins for optimal health and wellness.</p> <p><p>Each vegan capsule is packed with 25 organic superfood fruits and vegetables, providing 100% of the recommended daily dose of Vitamins A, C, D, E, B1, B6, B12, Niacin and Zinc.</p> <ul> <li>With beets, broccoli, kale, apples, blueberries and more – 25 in all. <li> <li>Organic, non-GMO and sustainably-grown fruits and vegetables <li> <li>Vegetarian and vegan friendly <li> <li>100% daily recommended value of A, C, D, E, B1, B6, B12, Niacin and Zinc <li> <li>With naturally-occurring minerals and other nutritional factors <li> <li>Just one capsule daily <li> <li>Gluten free, no artificial flavors, no preservatives <li> <ul> <p> </p> <p><p> </p> <p> </div> <div class="woocommerce-Tabs-panel 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