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Allied Home MicronOne Anti-Allergen Pillow, 2-pack For Sale


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Allied Home MicronOne Anti-Allergen Pillow, 2-pack


  • Brand: Allied Home
  • Cleaning Recommendation: Machine Washable
  • Color: White
  • Cover Material: Polyester Blend
  • Features: Hypoallergenic
  • Fill Material: Memory Fiber
  • Pillow Support: Medium
  • Sleep Position: All Positions

      <title><br /> <!-- more --></p> <p><strong><strong><strong>Product Details<strong><strong><strong></p> <p><p><b>Product details have been supplied by the Manufacturer, and are hosted by a third party.<b></p> <p><p>Look forward to a healthy night’s sleep with the CleanTech Anti-Allergen Pillow. The Premium MicronOne™ Fabric Technology protects your sleep by creating a clean barrier between you and the micro-toxins that build up over time in every pillow. The premium fabric is woven in a special manner that prevents micro-toxins larger than one micron in size from entering the fabric. It is certified and clinically proven to block dust mites, mold spore, pollen, pet dander, and bed bugs.</p> <p><p>Premium MicronOne™ will effectively prevent dust mite infestation for the lifetime of your product. Your new pillow will achieve all of the health benefits without sacrificing comfort, breathability, durability, and washability. As an added Bonus, because the technology is in the weave of the fabric itself – the CleanTech fabric is chemical free, lusciously soft and hyper clean.</p> <p><p>Combine this revolutionary protective CleanTech cover with Allied Home Memory fiber which allows for a lofty feel that differs from the rest of the “memory” market. Other memory products feature foam which can feel stiff and unnatural. The Allied Hypoallergenic Memory Fiber construction is designed to exhibit a memory like response while retaining softness, lightness, with the highest quality fill. Truly the most effective Anti-Allergen pillow on the market.</p> <p><p><strong>Features:<strong></p> <ul> <li>Color: White Embossed MicronOne™ <li> <li>Size: Standard , Queen or King <li> <li>Sold as 2 Pack <li> <li>Medium Support: Comfortable for all sleep positions <li> <li>Fill: 100% Hypoallergenic Memory Fill Fiber <li> <li>Cover: MicronOne™ Fabrication 89% Polyester 11% Nylon <li> <li>Fabric is breathable, durable, chemical free and extremely soft. 2” Side Gussett for extra loft and comfort <li> <li>Care Instructions: Machine Wash cold, Dry low, Do not dry clean, Do not bleach <li> <li>2 Year Limited Warranty <li> <li>Made in USA of Imported Materials <li> <li>Hypoallergenic <li> <ul> <p><strong>Dimensions:<strong></p> <ul> <li> <strong>Standard: <strong>18 in. x 24 in. x  2 in.</p> <li> <li> <strong>Queen: <strong>18 in. x  28 in. x  2 in.</p> <li> <li> <strong>King: <strong>18 in. x 34 in. x  2 in.</p> <li> <ul> <p> <strong><strong> <strong><strong></p> <p><p> </p> <p> </div> <div class="woocommerce-Tabs-panel woocommerce-Tabs-panel--additional_information panel entry-content wc-tab" id="tab-additional_information" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-title-additional_information"> <table class="woocommerce-product-attributes shop_attributes"> <tr class="woocommerce-product-attributes-item woocommerce-product-attributes-item--attribute_pillow-size"> <th class="woocommerce-product-attributes-item__label">Pillow size</th> <td class="woocommerce-product-attributes-item__value"><p>King Size, Queen Size, Standard Size</p> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <section class="related products"> <h2>Related products</h2> <ul class="products content-wrap product-archive grid-cols grid-ss-col-2 grid-sm-col-3 grid-md-col-4 grid-lg-col-6 woo-archive-visible woo-archive-btn-button align-buttons-bottom woo-archive-image-hover-fade"> <li class="shimmer entry content-bg loop-entry product type-product post-14319 status-publish first instock product_cat-herbal-supplements 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