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American Standard 1.25 HP Food Waste Disposer For Discount


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  • 1.25 Horsepower
  • 3-Bolt Mount System for Quick Replacement
  • Bio Shield Anti-Microbial for Odor Protection
  • Silver Guard to Protect Disposers from Falling Metal Items
  • Includes Power Cord Plug
  • Brand: American Standard
  • Color: Silver
  • Dimensions – Depth: 8.7 in.
  • Dimensions – Height: 15.5 in.
  • Dimensions – Width: 8.7 in.
  • Horsepower: 1.25 Horsepower
  • Model: ASD-1250
  • Weight: 15 lb.

      <title><br /> <!-- more --></p> <p><strong>Product Details<strong></p> <p><h3>American Standard GARBAGE DISPOSER</p> <h3> <p>With the American Standard ASD-1250 Waste Disposer, you can replace that old, smelly, noisy disposer with the newest in disposer technology. Your American Standard ASD-1250 Disposer is treated with Bio-Shield®, a unique antimicrobial agent molded inside providing protection against odor caused by bacterial growth. Your American Standard ASD-1250 disposer can handle most types of food waste including coffee grounds, the toughest vegetable scraps, peelings and small bones. The American Standard ASD-1250 Waste Disposer is the key to convenience and a healthy home environment. Cooking is easier and faster because you do not make trips back and forth to an outside garbage container. Cleanup after meals is fast and easy. Reduce unpleasant odors by instantly disposing of food waste and reduce insect and rodent infestation by instantly removing food waste. Meal preparation and cleanup are easier than ever. Simply turn on the water, power on disposer, and scrape messy food waste into your disposer. It’s that simple! Scraps are ground into very fine particles and sent down the drain…and it is safe to use with septic tanks too. No more odors, vermin-attracting mess or unsanitary conditions which means a cleaner, healthier life.</p> <p><h3>TORQUE MASTER BALANCED GRINDING SYSTEM</p> <h3> <p>The American Standard Disposer uses the Torque Master® grinding system which is a combination of computer designed, balanced components working in unison to provide superior torque power and maximum grinding speed. The balanced components minimize noise and vibration assuring a quiet operation.</p> <p><p>This exclusive system features:</p> <ul> <li>High Speed, High Torque Permanent Magnet Motors <li> <li>Balanced Armature Shaft <li> <li>Balanced Turntable <li> <li>All Stainless Steel Grinding Components <li> <li>Corrosion Proof Grinding Chamber <li> <li>Laser Sharp Cutting Ring <li> <li>Quieter Operation <li> <ul> <h3>BIO SHIELD ANTIMICROBIAL PROTECTION AGAINST ODORS</p> <h3> <p>With Bio Shield® we dispose of garbage AND bacteria-caused odors. Bio Shield® is an unique antimicrobial agent permanently molded into the disposer components. Bio Shield® effectively helps prevent bacteria-caused odors and inhibits the growth of a wide range of micro-organisms.</p> <p><h3>FEATURES</p> <h3> <p>ASD-1250 1¼ Horsepower Garbage Disposer</p> <ul> <li>1¼ Horsepower <li> <li>Bio Shield® Anti-Microbial Agent: Molded throughout provides protection against odor-causing bacterial growth <li> <li>Removable Splash Guard with Bio Shield <li> <li>3-Bolt Mounting System for Easy Replacement <li> <li>Insulated Sound Shell <li> <li>Silver Guard®: the unique feature that captures most metal objects before they enter the disposer chamber <li> <li>Corrosion Proof Grind Chamber and Drain Housing <li> <li>Attached Power Cord & Plug <li> <li>Less Jamming (no dejaming wrench necessary) <li> <li>Septic Safe <li> <li>Measures 15.5” High x 8.7” Wide <li> <li>10 Year Limited Warranty <li> <ul> <p><img alt="src="></p> <p><p><button aria-label="Open" data-text="fullscreenTooltip" title="type="><button></p> <section> <ul> <li> <a href="https:" target="_blank"><img decoding="async" alt="View" src="https:"><a></p> <h4> </p> <h4> <p>Instruction Manual</p> <p><p><a href="https:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">ViewPDF<a> | <a href="https:" rel="nofollow">DownloadPDF<a></p> <p><p><small>PDF, 3 MB<small></p> <li> <li> <a href="https:" target="_blank"><img decoding="async" alt="View" src="https:"><a></p> <h4> </p> <h4> <p><a href="https:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">ViewPDF<a> | <a href="https:" rel="nofollow">DownloadPDF<a></p> <p><p><small>PDF, 1 MB<small></p> <li> <li> <a href="https:" target="_blank"><img decoding="async" alt="View" src="https:"><a></p> <h4> </p> <h4> <p><a href="https:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">ViewPDF<a> | <a href="https:" rel="nofollow">DownloadPDF<a></p> <p><p><small>PDF, 60 KB<small></p> <li> <ul> <section> <p><img decoding="async" src="https:"></p> <p><p> </p> <p><p> </p> <p> </div> <div class="woocommerce-Tabs-panel woocommerce-Tabs-panel--additional_information panel entry-content wc-tab" 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